What Is Artificial Insemination: What, Why And How?

What Is Artificial Insemination: What, Why And How?

Around 25% of adults in the US don’t want kids, which leaves the other three quarters hoping to start a family one day.What Is Artificial Insemination

Whilst many couples find success in more traditional pregnancy paths, IVF and adoption, artificial insemination remains a positive and accessible way to get pregnant.

If you’re thinking of pursuing artificial insemination as a way to start a family, the first thing you need to do is speak to your doctor who will be able to give you the best medical advice and guidance about the process.

However, if you’re wondering – ‘what is artificial insemination?’ Perhaps you’re looking for a handy introduction to the process and what it involves – you’ve come to the right place.

We’ve got all the information you need to get a better idea of this process.

Let’s take a closer look at artificial insemination and what it involves:


What Is Artificial Insemination?

Artificial insemination is a method used to help a woman get pregnant. It delivers sperm to the cervix or uterus in replacement of this happening ‘naturally’ via intercourse between a man and a woman.

The sperm that is used can be from a woman’s partner, or from a wide range of sources including a nominated or paid for sperm donor. The sperm can sometimes be treated to help make them more likely to travel through the Fallopian tubes and penetrate the egg. A female may also take special medications prescribed by fertility doctors which help to boost the follicle growth inside the ovaries and increase overall chances of the insemination being successful.


The Process Of Artificial Insemination

During the natural process of making a baby, a man and a woman have sex and the sperm is ejaculated from the penis via a carrier fluid, which in combination with the cervical mucous created by the banging helps the sperm get to the uterus quickly.

The sperm then goes into the vagina, through the cervix, uterus and then the funnel shaped entrance to the Fallopian tubes where a successful start to the pregnancy means the sperm has penetrated the egg and conception has occurred.

From here, though, there’s a little way to go before true pregnancy begins.

If the egg is fertilised, little cilia follicles in the Fallopian tube then move the fertilised egg (called a zygote at this time) through the tubes and into the uterus up to five days after conception has occurred.

The sperm and the egg will then divide and increase in numbers, and this is called a blastocyst at this time, which attaches to the wall of the uterus about six days from when the egg was fertilised.

For the next 3-4 days the implantation process occurs and is completed by day 10 after fertilisation of the egg. A few days later after various processes to prepare the uterus and the body for the pregnancy, the embryo is developed.

The entire process from the egg fertilisation onwards remains the same when artificial insemination occurs only for various reasons the delivery of the sperm needs to occur in a slightly different way to intercourse.

There are two methods of artificial insemination which are ICI and IUI.


Intracervical Insemination (ICI)

ICI is shown to be successful in nearly 40% of cases after about six attempts. The process is where sperm is placed in the cervix which is like the gateway to the uterus. Artificial insemination at home or in a doctors office is usually ICI. There are multiple methods and additions relating to ICI including:

  • A woman will take Clomid (or similar), a medication which helps to bring on ovulation and boost the chance of several eggs being released.
  • Sperm is donated via a woman’s partner in which case the process is usually being done with the help of a doctor as the couples natural intercourse is not resulting in pregnancy.
  • Sperm can be donated from a sperm donor sample which could be inserted privately without any involvement from doctors at all as where a trusted friend may have donated their sperm.
  • The sperm is placed inside the vagina using a syringe or something called a cervical cap. This can be done by a doctor, a partner or even a trusted friend.
  • A woman may have her ovulation tracked using an app, ovulation kits, calendar tracking, ultrasounds, basal temperature monitoring or a mixture of these methods.
  • Most women stay lying down for up to an hour after insemination and may even raise their hips using cushions to encourage the sperm to move into the uterus successfully.
  • The pregnancy test is taken around two weeks after insemination to see if insemination was successful.
  • The process can be repeated regularly depending on each individual couple.


Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

IUI is successful in around 40% of cases after around six attempts. This number is a little higher overall than ICU and that is thought to be because prepared sperm has a better chance of fertilising and prepared sperm is most commonly used in IUI and not ICI.

In this process the sperm is placed into the uterus directly. Unlike ICI this has to be done by a medical professional and often also involves special measures like preparing the semen to make it more concentrated and more likely to result in a pregnancy.

Once the sperm is ready a woman who is ovulating will have her cervix opened using special medical instruments so that the sperm can be placed into the uterus directly.


Why Choose Artificial Insemination?

There are lots of reasons that couples or individuals choose artificial insemination including:

  • A same sex couple who are men may choose this method to help a surrogate carry their baby using their sperm, or if both are female they may use this method to get pregnant using a sperm donor. Around 200,000 children in America are raised by same sex parents and that number is growing as LBGTQ adoption and parenting becomes more accepted, available and accessible across the board.
  • A woman may be one of the 10% of females who struggle to get pregnant and so AI helps the chance of success.
  • A man could be totally infertile as with 10-15% of men who are infertile and have no sperm. Or a man could have low sperm motility, a low sperm count or similar issues which make AI a possible way to boost the chance of pregnancy, or a way for a heterosexual couple to get pregnant using a sperm donor.
  • A woman may be single and wish to use AI with a sperm donor to have a baby.
  • A couple may not wish to use their own sperm because of medical problems with their genes and so a sperm donor is a preferable option.
  • When artificial insemination at home occurs with the ICI option and no medical intervention the process is free.
  • With medical intervention the cost of artificial insemination is still much cheaper than IVF and sometimes insurance companies pay for some of the treatment.


Artificial Insemination At Home

If you are wondering – what is artificial insemination and can I do it at home? You’d be right to think about whether or not this is an option, especially as it can be free in many cases.

People who choose this method of insemination because it is more personal and less sterile than having it done in a clinic. It also costs less than having it done medically and it can also be more convenient too.

To do it, you can use frozen or fresh sperm. Fresh sperm has to have been recently ejaculated and will only stay alive 15-30 minutes after ejaculation.

You will want to use a clean receptacle for the donor to catch their sperm in, which you can then have a partner or trusted friend insert into the vagina using a needless syringe.

For the best results try to do this up and back, coating the cervix and vaginal walls. You can also use a menstrual cup which you fill with sperm and then leave for an hour or more so the sperm can get into the uterus.

With frozen sperm you tend to order it from a sperm bank who ship it to you with instructions including how to defrost it and how long it is stable for when frozen (usually 14 days). You then insert it using the same method as with fresh sperm when the time is right.

The sperm, whether frozen or fresh, is inserted using an ICI method of AI when done at home. The exception to this is if you have a midwife come to you who is able to perform IUI at your house.

Sperm Considerations:

  • When using a partners sperm consider testing the sperm for STI’s, quality and genetics just so you have all the information you need
  • When using a friends sperm, consider testing the sperm for STI’s, quality and genetics just so you have all the information you need
  • Make sure you are legally protected when it comes to using any sperm donor. Consider parental rights, legal rights and more when you’re using the sperm of a friend
  • Try to keep yourself in the most healthy condition possible to get the best chance of AI being successful with your chosen sperm and insemination method. Eat a healthy diet cut out unhelpful habits and exercise. Dr Larisa Corda has lots of free information and advice relating to fertility and how to boost it.


The Female Orgasm And An Increase Of Success Rates

There are lots and lots of old wives tales around different items/ actions/ occurrences boosting the chance of conception when it comes to standard intercourse or AI.

One of those rumours is that if a female orgasms when the sperm is put in place there is more chance of conception occurring. As this article describes well, this is simply not true. However, there are lots of reasons to incorporate pleasure into the insemination process with your partner at home if you wish to do so.

Some couples like to make the process more sensual or sexual as a way to bond whilst making a baby, but in a non-traditional way.


Speak To Your Doctor About Artificial Insemination

Artificial insemination can be a great option for some couples or individuals who wish to get pregnant, and require a different method to traditional sex to get there.

Even if you don’t want to commit to using a doctor for artificial insemination it can be great to go and talk it out anyway so you know what it involves.

Usually, it makes sense to get your fertility tested anyway just to check you and your partner are in the best shape for conception and if not you can then know how to work around those hurdles to get the pregnancy you want.

As with everything but especially with such an important topic, the more you know the better.

What To Do About Dehydration During Pregnancy

What To Do About Dehydration During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful time, but also a challenging time for your body.Dehydration during pregnancy

Many health struggles can arise, such as dehydration during pregnancy, which can be very dangerous.

To help you understand how to prevent dehydration during pregnancy, spot the symptoms and what to do if there are signs of dehydration in pregnancy, here’s some handy info we have put together just for you:


How Much Water Should You Drink During Pregnancy?

According to pregnancy and baby loss charity Tommy’s you should be consuming about 8-12 glasses of at least 200ml of water a day.

That includes decaffeinated drinks, pregnancy suitable herbal teas, sugar-free squash and plant based/ semi-skimmed/ 1% milks.

Eating water-heavy fruits and veggies like cucumber and watermelon can also boost your hydration levels.

There are lots of ways to include more fluid in your diet including:

  • Eating lots of fresh fruit and veg
  • Keeping a measured water bottle with you so you know how much you’ve consumed
  • Getting a sugar-free cordial you enjoy to encourage more water consumption
  • Setting drinking reminders on your smartphone or a fitness device
  • Drinking more if you notice that your urine is in the ‘drink more’ zone as indicated by the chart in this NHS article
  • Drinking more if it is very hot or you move around more than usual


Why Is Dehydration During Pregnancy Dangerous?

When you are pregnant you need lots of liquid so that your body is able to make amniotic fluid, make more blood, take nutrients to your baby, boost your digestive tract function and to help flush out extra bodily waste and build new tissues and cells.

Some serious complications of dehydration during pregnancy are:

  • UTI’s
  • Kidney stones
  • Swelling
  • Problems with foetal development
  • Amniotic fluid is lower

The complications above can lead to additional complications such as UTI’s potentially causing preterm labour.


What Can Cause Dehydration During Pregnancy?

Dehydration occurs when we lose more water/ fluids than we take in at the time. So if you do a workout, for example, and you sweat a lot and then you don’t drink water afterwards, you could become dehydrated.

What happens when this occurs is that standard bodily functions struggle to happen. You might get constipated, you could feel sluggish, you might get a headache. According to Healthline, you can get mild or severe dehydration and severe dehydration can be really dangerous regardless of whether you are pregnant or not.

When it comes to dehydration during pregnancy, the risks of being dehydrated grow because there are more ways for you to get dehydrated.

On top of all the usual risk factors like not drinking enough water or, being in hot weather pregnant people are more at risk of pregnancy because they can be more at risk of:

  • The body having to work harder during normal activities because of the extra weight being carried, causing more sweating
  • Excessive sweating caused by numerous pregnancy conditions
  • General hormonal and physical changes of pregnancy
  • Diarrhea
  • Morning sickness/ pregnancy sickness
  • Higher temperature caused by hormonal flushes
  • Maternal overheating which means your body is struggling to regulate heat because you haven’t taken enough water in

Sometimes the combination of pregnancy symptoms and not acting quickly enough to replace lost fluid can quickly cause dehydration during pregnancy to become severe.


The Signs Of Dehydration During Pregnancy

There are some general signs of dehydration during pregnancy that you can look out for that are a warning sign you need to drink more water including:

  • Chapped lips
  • A dry mouth
  • Thirst
  • Constipation
  • Feeling dizzy
  • Feeling slippy
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Braxton-Hicks (common in the 2nd or 3rd trimester)

If you have these symptoms you can act quickly and prevent your dehydration getting any worse. Speak to your doctor, rest and drink plenty of fluids.

It may be that you are experiencing severe dehydration which usually occurs because you haven’t responded to the signs of mild dehydration.

However, it is important to remember that severe dehydration can occur in a way that is out of your control.

Here are some common symptoms of overhydration:

  • Feeling very thirsty
  • Smelly and dark urine
  • Feeling faint
  • Low blood pressure
  • Rapid breathing
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Feeling like you have dryness everywhere including your skin, eyes, nose, mouth and genitals
  • No urine or very small amounts of urine when you do go to pee
  • Feeling irritable and grumpy
  • Feeling a little foggy in your thinking
  • Feeling clumsy
  • Shrivelled skin on the finger pads
  • Skin that stays pinched if you pinch it

If these symptoms are present you need to get yourself to emergency medical care. You may need IV hydration and further medical help.


Signs You Should Speak To Your Doctor About Pregnancy Dehydration

There are some signs that you may be at particular risk of dehydration during pregnancy beyond the risks of a standard person, and the risks of being a pregnant person.

For example; a condition called hyperemesis gravidarum can occur which is where you get excessive morning sickness.

Morning sickness occurs in about 8 out of 10 pregnant women, and in around 1-3 in every 100 pregnant women hyperemesis gravidarum occurs. If you have morning sickness you are at risk of dehydration, but with HG you can be incredibly unwell and it could even put your baby at risk

Some of the symptoms of HG include:

  • Dehydration (see symptoms above)
  • Hypotension (low blood pressure)
  • Severe vomiting/ nausea
  • Losing weight

You can suffer with HG for much longer than standard morning sickness, far beyond 20 weeks and possibly up until the end of your pregnancy.

For this reason it is so important to let your doctor know about any tricky symptoms you are having with your pregnancy as soon as you can.

Whether you have HG or other signs you might struggle with dehydration during pregnancy, you need medical advice and support to make sure you and your baby stay safe.


Seeing Signs Of Dehydration In Pregnancy? Speak To Your Doctor

If you are at all concerned about dehydration during pregnancy it is important to speak to your OB-GYN for more advice sooner rather than later.

Dehydration might seem like an easy problem to solve, but it can so quickly cause real issues.

It’s so important to be aware of it and work on preventing it/ treating it so you can keep yourself and your baby as healthy as possible during this challenging time.

Losing Weight While Pregnant: Is It Safe?

Losing Weight While Pregnant: Is It Safe?

Are you considering losing weight while pregnant?Losing Weight While Pregnant

If so, there’s a lot to consider before you take that step.

The first thing you should do is speak to your OB-GYN, doctor or midwife, but in the meantime, we have collected lots of handy information for you so that you feel a little bit more in the know about this tricky topic:


Why Are Women Losing Weight While Pregnant?

Around 91% of women are unhappy with their bodies and that unhappiness does not go away just because pregnancy occurs, leading some women to start to, or continue to lose weight regardless of their condition.

In fact, if your relationship with food and exercise goes beyond body image and you have an eating disorder, pregnancy may well be a huge trigger because your body is naturally changing throughout.

If you are in recovery, it may well bring back some of those familiar struggles because of your growing size.

Many women may also want to be healthier for their baby, and hope to start losing weight while pregnant to shed excess pounds in order to be in better shape for their growing baby.


Is Losing Weight While Pregnant Healthy?

There isn’t a yes or a no on this topic, unfortunately. For this reason your first port of call if you’re thinking of losing weight while pregnant should be your doctor.

However, it does help to know that there are two lines of thinking on the topic, which we are going to take a closer look at below:

First Line Of Thinking – Losing Weight While Pregnant Is Not Healthy

The NHS in the UK takes the position that you should start losing weight while pregnant, even if you are obese as defined by your BMI (find a BMI calculator here).

This is because despite your increased risk of conditions or problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, blood clots and miscarriage whilst you are pregnant and obese, trying to lose weight during this time will not reduce your chance of complications.

In addition, weight loss could cause even more risks.

Instead, the NHS suggests that you should attend all of your antenatal appointments and stay in contact with your doctor. So in the US, your OB-GYN should be offering you a gestational diabetes test, and they should discuss the kind of risks that come with being overweight and pregnant.

For example; if you are obese you are more likely to need the help of forceps or a caesarean when you give birth. Your doctor will need to discuss this with you as part of your birth plan.

The key is to ensure that you are monitored and under the best possible medical care during this time, and the NHS believes that by doing that, you’re doing the best for yourself and your baby and that does not involve weight loss during this time.

Second Line Of Thinking – Losing Weight While Pregnant Can Be Done Safely

Healthline suggests (with backing from scientific studies and medical insight) losing weight while pregnant can be healthy. This is not applicable if you are a healthy weight when you get pregnant because losing weight would then cause your BMI to drop to an unhealthy weight.

The trusted site suggests that it could be possible to experience weight loss during pregnancy in a healthy way,  and it could even be beneficial to lose weight if you carry excess weight when you get pregnant.

The line of thinking relates to the risks we mentioned above, that overweight and obese pregnant women have and so, the idea is that gradual, guided weight loss recommended by your doctor is safe and potentially quite a good idea.


How Much Weight Should You Gain Whilst You Are Pregnant?

If you are considering weight loss during pregnancy or you want to make sure you’re not gaining too much, there are guideline amounts you can follow so you know the baby is healthy, and you’re not piling on too many pounds. The CDC offers these guideline amounts of weight gain for pregnant women:

  • BMI under 18.5 (underweight) – a gain of between 28-40 pounds (50-62 pounds with twins)
  • BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 (average weight) – a gain of between 25 and 25 pounds (37-54 pounds with twins)
  • BMI between 25 and 29.9 (overweight) – a gain of between 15 and 25 pounds (31-50 pounds with twins)
  • BMI of 30 or more (obese) – a gain of between 11 and 20 pounds  (25-42 pounds with twins)

The CDC also states that around half of pregnant women gain more weight than they need to whilst they are pregnant. So even if losing weight while pregnant is not on the cards, it is good to know that you’re putting on a healthy amount during this time.


Losing Weight Before Pregnancy & Fertility

Losing weight before pregnancy is a much better path than weight loss in pregnancy, and it could boost your chances of getting pregnant in the first place. According to The American Society For Reproductive Medicine a BMI of below 18.5 could cause you to stop ovulating altogether, or at least experience irregular periods.

They also say that when you have a BMI over 30, which indicates that you are obese, your chances of getting pregnant are less than a person who is of a healthy weight.

This is also affected by the fertility of an obese partner. Diabetes, insulin resistance, thyroid issues and more can affect fertility and those issues are all more likely if you are obese.

If you are obese and trying for a baby, one of the best things you can do for your health and fertility is to gradually lose weight in a healthy way.


Pregnancy Weight Loss & Eating Disorders

If you are considering losing weight while pregnant and you have an eating disorder or have previously suffered from an eating disorder it is very important to discuss this with your doctor.

According to Tommy’s, a pregnancy and baby loss charity, there are multiple risks associated with eating disorders and pregnancy, including preterm birth miscarriage and postnatal depression.

By speaking to your doctor about your eating disorder when you are pregnant, you can get the support you need so that you and your baby have the best possible chance of optimum health.


Considering Weight Loss During Pregnancy? Speak To Your Doctor

Hopefully the information above has helped you feel a little more in the know about the subject of weight loss during pregnancy.

Your primary concern if you are thinking of losing weight while pregnant should be speaking to your doctor.

They will be able to monitor you and baby, making sure that you’re as healthy as possible during this important time.

Itching During Pregnancy? Reasons, Treatments & Tips

Itching During Pregnancy? Reasons, Treatments & Tips

Itching during pregnancy? You’re not alone.Itching During Pregnancy

Itching during pregnancy and vaginal itching during pregnancy are just two of all kinds of symptoms pregnant people experience.

Pregnancy comes with all kinds of common discomforts including; acne, back pain and sciatica, belly pain, pelvic pain, sore breasts, congestion, nosebleeds, constipation, sleep problems and fatigue – to name just a few.

Itching, though, can be one of the most frustrating and relentless symptoms.

If you’re experiencing itching during pregnancy, including vaginal itching during pregnancy, we’ve got plenty of information, tips and pointers to help you.

Let’s take a closer look at this annoying pregnancy symptom and what to do about it:


What Causes Itching During Pregnancy?

There are multiple reasons that you can feel itching during pregnancy, some of which are more serious than others:


Eczema affects about 31.6 million people in the USA and if you have it when you get pregnant it can get worse or better. If it gets worse, you’ll find yourself itching a lot in the areas you get eczema and this is called atopic eruption of pregnancy. Other symptoms that come under this umbrella include prurigo of pregnancy (papule rashes) and pruritic folliculitis of pregnancy, which causes pimples like acne pimples.


Your skin stretches naturally during pregnancy as your breast and belly expand to accommodate milk and your baby. You may also find other areas like your ankles swell because of fluid retention. Any area that increases in weight quickly could become itchy. When this stretching occurs, you may also get something called a PUPPP rash which happens in about 1 in every 160 pregnancies. It is where the tissues under the skin are damaged as it stretches,


Hormones can contribute to dry skin, which can be itchy. This could be all over, or in certain areas of your body.

Heat Rashes

Heat rashes during pregnancy can be itchy and they can occur because you’re more sweaty, or because you’re more sensitive to the temperature around you.


Hives can occur during pregnancy because of stress, skin pressure or heat. They can be treated easily with a cold compress or something similar, but if they are extreme and seem to be part of an allergic reaction, you need to get medical help quickly.


The hormones during your pregnancy can cause you to get acne, which can be itchy or sore.


Itching during pregnancy can be caused by something called intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) and it happens to about 1-2 in 1,000 women when they are pregnant. It is a liver disorder that occurs because bile acids that usually travel from your liver to your gut to help with food digestion, stop flowing as they should.

Common risks for this condition include:

  • ICP running in your family
  • Being of South Asian origin
  • Having experienced it in previous pregnancies

The key symptoms for this condition compared to less serious itching are:

  • Constant itching all over
  • Sometimes itching so bad it feels unbearable
  • Itching worse on the soles of your feet and palms of your hands
  • Itching that tends to get worse in the evening

Of course, everybody is different and the symptoms are not the same for everybody. For that reason it makes sense to mention itching to your midwife or doctor at your next checkup just to make sure you don’t need further investigations.


How To Prevent And Deal With Itchy Skin During Pregnancy

You may not be able to prevent itching during pregnancy, which is bad news, but it’s always better to be prepared that it could happen. If it does happen, there’s plenty you can do to alleviate your symptoms.

Here are some actions you can take to minimise and deal with the chance of some types of pregnancy itching, and including:

  • Avoid hot water – You’re meant to avoid very hot baths and showers during pregnancy for the health of the baby, but doing this also helps you avoid drying the skin out. Keeping the water temperature lukewarm ensures you can maintain your hygiene but without causing itching to get worse.
  • Avoid perfumed products – Products that are heavily fragranced can irritate your skin during pregnancy. This is especially true for vaginal itching during pregnancy. Your vagina is self cleaning and so it won’t take much to change the PH within it. Something as simple as cutting out heavily perfumed bath bombs, shower gels and wipes can stop vaginal itching during pregnancy and it can help when you’re not pregnant too.
  • Cool down – Stay as cool as you can, especially during heatwaves.
  • Relax – Try to stay as relaxed and stress-free as you can because those feelings can make itching worse. This Youtube meditation is a great example of resources you can use to take a moment to reduce the stress in your life. If you think you are one of the 12-15% of women suffering anxiety, or 20% suffering depression during pregnancy, it’s a good idea to speak to your healthcare provider.
  • Wear loose clothes – You can continue to look beautiful during pregnancy with loose clothing like maxi dresses, pregnancy leggings and loose T-shirt’s. This loose clothing can help you avoid any chafing or rubbing that makes itching worse.


Experiencing Itching During Pregnancy? Speak To Your Doctor

The golden rule if you are experiencing itching during pregnancy is to speak to your doctor just to make sure there isn’t a wider medical issue that needs addressing.

In addition, the tips above are just some of the ways to prevent or alleviate your symptoms during this challenging time.

What you’re going through is common, but nonetheless really difficult so it’s important to seek advice and help so you don’t suffer in silence.

Coffee Fix: Can You Drink Coffee While Pregnant?

Coffee Fix: Can You Drink Coffee While Pregnant?

If you’re planning on making a baby, or you are currently pregnant you might be wondering – can you drink coffee while pregnant?Caffeine During Pregnancy

It’s a great question that’s sensible to ask at such a sensitive time in your life.

According to statistics we drink over 2 billion cups of coffee worldwide every single day. It gives you a buzz, it tastes delicious, and science tells us that it can even have health benefits, helping you burn fat, boost physical performance and maybe even help protect against dementia and type 2 diabetes.

Of course, caffeine, which is found in coffee beans, is a substance that, although legal, can be unsafely consumed in certain amounts, or it can be unsafe when you’re going through certain physical conditions, such as pregnancy. It’s a stimulant and boosts the brain and nervous system activity which is why you have to be careful when it comes to consuming it during this fragile time and you’re right to ask – can you drink coffee while pregnant?

To help you make sure you’re clued up on the use of caffeine during pregnancy, and you know how to keep coffee consumption safe whilst you’re growing a human, here’s a complete guide on the subject:


What Is Caffeine?

Caffeine is a stimulant that occurs naturally in tea, coffee and cacao. It has been present in soft drinks since the 1800’s and is an active stimulant that produces feelings of alertness whilst also staving off tiredness. It works on the brain and central nervous system and when you’ve had too much, you can usually feel shaky, jittery and you may even have heart palpitations. How much is too much is different depending on the (non-pregnant) person, as some people are more affected by it than others.

Most often it is connected to causing sleep issues and making anxiety worse. In fact, it can even cause anxiety in some instances.

The chances are, if you do struggle with either of those things as a non-pregnant person it could be time to switch to decaf.


Can You Drink Coffee While Pregnant?

If you’re wondering – can you drink coffee while pregnant? You probably want to know if caffeine during pregnancy is a yes or a no, or if it is a yes, how much is safe.

The first and most important point to make when you ask – can you drink coffee while pregnant? Is that you need to trust your primary care provider first and foremost. They know your medical history and current condition, any risks you might have and whether or not caffeine during pregnancy is safe.

However, if you’re looking for some general guidance, there are some guidelines highlighted by trusted sources to give you an indication of how much caffeine you should consume during pregnancy. This includes all caffeinated products including; tea, coffee, soft drinks, energy drinks and chocolate. If you’re ever unsure if a product has caffiene in it or not, be sure to read the label.


First Things First… Why Avoid Caffeine During Pregnancy?

There are a few reasons that you should avoid caffeine during pregnancy including:

Caffeine & Miscarriages

There is conflicting evidence in regards to the effect of caffeine in relation to miscarriages. Some studies have suggested there is a link to caffeine consumption and miscarriage, some have suggested there is no link. For that reason, healthcare providers will generally advise you to avoid caffeine, or keep any consumption to around 200 grams a day.

Caffeine & Fertility Issues

Some studies do suggest that caffeine consumed in excess can make it harder to conceive, so it is best avoided completely (by you and your partner) when you’re trying for a baby, along with alcohol, processed foods, cigarettes and toxins.

Caffeine Could Cause Negative Pregnancy Outcomes

There are scientific papers that suggest caffeine during pregnancy could relate to some negative pregnancy outcomes and birth issues, such as lower birth weight. The evidence and connections are complex, and in some studies the link is made in animal studies, not in human studies. For that reason, it’s nothing to be scared about, but rather, a good reason to be wary about your caffeine consumption in pregnancy just in case it could contribute to any potential risks.

Caffeine Can Cause Anxiety

Caffeine can cause caffeine anxiety or it may simply make general anxiety worse because of how it affects the body. 1 in 10 pregnant women experience anxiety in pregnancy and if that is you, it could be worth avoiding caffeine altogether so that you don’t exacerbate your symptoms.


How Much Caffeine During Pregnancy Is OK?

So, can you drink coffee while pregnant? As it stands the advice is yes, but only a little.

The amount recommended is different depending on the organisation you speak to but tends to be about 200 grams. March Of Dimes, a trusted pregnancy charity suggest no more than 200 milligrams a day as does Tommy’s, a baby loss and pregnancy charity.

With that in mind, it’s a great idea to have an idea of how much caffeine is in different common food and drink products. This is helpful if you do choose to continue to consume caffeine during pregnancy, and to be aware of should you accidentally consume some.

Common caffeine amounts in different food and drink:

8 oz brewed coffee – 96 mg

1 oz espresso – 64 mg

8 oz instant coffee – 62 mg

8 oz black tear – 47 mg

8 oz green tea – 28 mg

12 oz Pepsi Zero – 69 mg

15 oz Monster Energy – 160 mg

16 oz Grande Starbucks Coffee Blonde Roast – 360 mg

16 oz Grande Starbucks American – 225 mg

14 oz Dunkin Donuts coffee – 210 mg

12 oz Sunkist 19 mg

1.5 oz Hershey’s Milk Chocolate Bar 9 mg

1.4 oz Hershey’s Dark Chocolate Bar – 20 mg

It is important to remember that these amounts are estimates and they will change depending on the manufacturer, product line, store or even natural variants in the drink. It is also really important to remember anything from chewing gum to ice cream can contain caffeine so get to know your labels.


Is Decaf Coffee OK?

Decaf coffee still contains coffee, as explained in this handy Youtube video. So it could enable you to drink items that taste like coffee with minimal caffeine levels, but do check the caffeine content as you’d be surprised how many milligrams of caffeine are in decaf products.


Always Speak To Your Healthcare Provider First

So, can you drink coffee while pregnant?

The information above can be used as a general guide as to how much caffeine you can drink when you are pregnant. Ideally, you will avoid it altogether but if you do consume it, the 200mg is a good ceiling amount per day as a guide unless you’re told otherwise by your healthcare provider.

Before you do anything else, though, avoid caffeine during pregnancy and first ask your doctor or OB-GYN what they recommend for your individual medical needs during this incredibly important time of your life.

How To Tell If You Are Suffering From Postpartum Depression

How To Tell If You Are Suffering From Postpartum Depression

What Is Postpartum Depression?Postpartum Psychosis

Postnatal, or otherwise known as postpartum depression is a kind of depression that occurs after your child is born. It differs from baby blues, which is where you may experience; anxiety, crying, mood swings, a feeling of overwhelm, sleeping trouble and other difficult emotions a few days to weeks after having your baby. Instead, with postnatal depression the feelings are more extreme and long-lasting.

Symptoms of postpartum depression:

  • Severe mood swings
  • Crying constantly or near constantly
  • Feeling hopeless
  • Feeling incapable or inadequate
  • Struggling to think properly
  • Feeling restless
  • Feeling angry or irritable
  • Feeling totally exhausted beyond normal levels
  • Struggling to sleep much, or sleeping too much
  • Eating comfort foods to excess or not eating much at all
  • Struggling to develop a bond with your baby
  • Thinking about dying or suicide a lot
  • Having intrusive thoughts of self harm, or harming your child
  • Worrying, or even belief you aren’t a good mum
  • Total feel of overwhelm

These feelings may well seem like the baby blues, but when they are more extreme and they last longer than a few weeks, they can be identified as postpartum depression.


Is Postpartum Depression The Same As Postpartum Psychosis?

Postpartum psychosis is not postpartum depression. Instead, it is a rare condition that comes on usually within a week or two after the birth of the child causing some extreme symptoms. It is where the mother experiences psychosis and delusions after giving birth and may cause herself or her baby harm if treatment is not sought quickly.

Postpartum psychosis symptoms:

  • Strong thoughts of wanting to hurt yourself or your baby (or both)
  • Actual attempts to hurt yourself or your baby
  • Delusions or hallucinations such as hearing voices or seeing things that aren’t there
  • Extreme paranoia
  • Struggle with sleep
  • Extreme confusion
  • Hyperactivity
  • Agitation and aggression
  • Potential fear of others and secrecy
  • Obsessively thinking about your baby


Depression During Pregnancy

Depression during pregnancy happens to around 7% of women and is sometimes called prenatal depression. People who are more at risk of this are people who:

  • Suffer from anxiety or depression pre-pregnancy
  • Struggle with stress during pregnancy
  • Have little to no support from friends or family
  • Are pregnant but the pregnancy wasn’t planned
  • Have a mentally or physically violent relationship with their partner

You can get treatment for depression during pregnancy but you have to ask for help first. If you are struggling with how you feel or your behaviour during pregnancy please speak to a loved one or your doctor and seek help, because there is plenty there available for you – you’re not alone.


Can Dads Get Postpartum Depression Too?

Dads can have the same symptoms as mums with postpartum depression and may be at a higher risk of getting it because they have a history of depression, or of emotional vulnerability. If you’re a Dad struggling with the postpartum depression symptoms listed above you are entitled to support just like your partner is.

You can find out more information about the signs and symptoms of postpartum depression in men here, as they differ slightly from those seen in women suffering from the condition.


Why Aren’t Women Reporting Postpartum Depression?

Around 70-80% of women will experience the baby blues, or worse, postpartum depression. Despite this, the rates of women reporting what they are going through is as low as 10%.

This difficult condition is far too underreported, and that is often because awareness of postpartum depression remains low. Many women or their partners or family don’t recognise the signs of the condition and assume it is all part of the normal post-childbirth emotional spectrum. It isn’t always seen as anything that can be helped and so, as a result, they suffer in silence, or worse, succumb to the symptoms and potentially cause harm to themselves or their child.

Fear is another key reason that women don’t talk to their doctors about postpartum depression symptoms because they mistakenly worry they will be judged and might even have their children taken away.


Why Should You Report Postpartum Depression Symptoms To Your Doctor?

It is important to understand that any kind of pregnancy or anxiety suffered during or after pregnancy is common and treatable and you don’t have to continue to suffer. The first step is to seek professional help and admit that something isn’t right.

If you’re the partner of a person who is showing symptoms, it is important to try and speak to them first and then either seek medical help together, or speak to a doctor on their behalf.

With postpartum psychosis sometimes medical intervention has to occur for the safety of mother and baby. Special facilities or medical services ensure mother, baby and their bond remain a top priority during treatment and their wellbeing is always the most important aspect of care.

It is also important to note that breastfeeding is not an obstruction to you taking medication for postpartum conditions. Your doctor can advise you on the safety of this so that you feel totally informed about what you feel happy doing moving forward. You always have options and your doctor is there to work with you to ensure you get the right health treatment for you.


Postpartum Depression Treatment

The treatment provided to mothers for postnatal depression depends on their symptoms and how severe they are. More often than not a mixture of medications like antidepressants and talking therapies are prescribed. In more severe cases, more applied talking therapies and medications may be used.


Postpartum Depression Prevention

If you have experienced postnatal depression before, it is more likely you will experience it again in a future pregnancy. You are also more likely to get it if you have experienced depression or anxiety before.

Knowing these things won’t necessarily prevent you getting the condition, but if you let your doctor know, you can both keep looking out for signs and symptoms and start treatment sooner rather than later. This monitoring will continue throughout your pregnancy and after your baby is born.

To prevent the condition developing further if you do have it, there are also plenty of things to help you cope better after your child comes including:

  • Being comfortable with asking for help and letting your loved ones know how they can help
  • Being honest with yourself about how you feel
  • Keeping things realistic when it comes to how things ‘should be’
  • Getting enough ‘me time’ and fresh air, exercise and healthy food
  • Expecting things to be up and down
  • Allowing your closest circle to be there for you and avoiding isolating yourself
  • Keeping visitations to your home to a minimum if it is making you feel stressed
  • Avoid leaning on alcohol and caffeine
  • Sleep whenever you can, ideally when baby sleeps
  • Limit phone calls, social media time and messaging

The most important thing is to feel comfortable asking for help when you need it, whether that is with general coping with a newborn, or by speaking to loved ones about your symptoms.


Get Help For Postpartum Depression Today

Whether you think you’re at risk of pregnancy depression, or you’re experiencing postpartum depression or postpartum psychosis symptoms, please seek help today. Postpartum depression is common, treatable and you will not be judged by your doctor for speaking up. Reach out for help today for a better tomorrow for the whole family.

Fertilitea Review – Organic Fertility Tea

Fertilitea Review – Organic Fertility Tea

Fertilitea Review - Organic Fertility Tea

Fertilitea is an organic fertility tea containing potent herbal components known to have positive effects in women trying to conceive.

This fertility tea is a loose leaf tea. This ensures maximum freshness and flavor. But most importantly the nutritional support that you require to conceive.

Resealable bag to lock in the freshness.

Fertlitea is manufactured in the U.S. at a CGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practice) certified facility. With regulations enforced by the US FDA (Food And Drug Administration).

Fertilitea Directions

  • 2-3 cups should be drunk everyday.
  • Use 1 teaspoon of Fertilitea to each cup of water.
  • Boil the water and add Fertilitea directly to the water or use an infuser or tea ball.
  • Cover and let steep for 5 min.
  • Remove all leaves via straining.
  • Enjoy this nutritious and delicious fertility tea.
  • One bag is about a 1 month supply.

Why Fertilitea Is So Successful

This delicious fertility tea is designed to boost a woman’s, health and also improve the chances of a successful conception.

It boasts ingredients that have been scientifically proven to restore hormonal balances and boost reproductive health.

These include Vitex, red raspberry leaf, green tea, ladies mantle, nettle leaf, and peppermint leaf.

These herbal components are loaded with a variety of vitamins, bioflavonoids, essential oils, anti-inflammatory compounds, and antioxidants.

These come together to form a potent infusion that is both delicious and nutritious as well.

Does Fertility Tea Work? Most Important Does Fertilitea Work?

The question of whether or not fertility teas really work is one that has long been put to rest.

Fertility teas have been proven to improve the odds of successful conception dramatically.

For about 2000 or so years the Chinese have known of the effects of herbal teas on human reproductive health and the immune system in general.

Armed with this knowledge, the creators of Fertilitea™ set out to put together an organic fertility tea that delivers on its promise of helping the user conceive and carry a pregnancy to term.

Fertilitea Ingredients

So what exactly goes into the winning formula of Fertilitea™? Take a look below;


This crucial component of Fertilitea™ restores the optimal hormonal balance in a woman’s body while stimulating the production of hormones associated with ovulation.

Vitex is widely used as a herbal remedy for infertility, short luteal phases, irregular cycles and ovulation complications.

With such problems out of the way, there is no reason why a woman shouldn’t successfully conceive.


There is a boatload of literature on the health benefits of green tea on bookshelves and the internet.

However, there is little or not enough mention of its benefits in reproductive health and fertility.

Green tea contains powerful antioxidants that repair natural oxidative damage caused by aging and environmental toxins.

With prolonged use, fertility levels rise noticeably meaning a woman can conceive faster.


Nettle leaves pack a spectrum of essential minerals and vitamins that are crucial for proper reproductive health and fertility in particular.

It contains such ingredients as Potassium, Sulphur, Phosphorus, Vitamins A, C, and K, Iron, and Calcium which promotes proper muscle functioning.

Collectively, Nettle leaf’s components contribute to easier conception and a healthy pregnancy.

LADIES MANTLE:Fertilitea Review - Top Organic Fertility Tea

Ladies mantle is one component of Fertilitea™ tasked with regulating a woman’s menstrual cycle.

It achieves this by exerting a toning effect on the cervix. Thus, improving fertility and raising the chances of a successful conception.


Red raspberry is a herbal component that is highly regarded for its ability to exert toning effects on the uterus and pelvic muscles.

It is also highly nutritious while at the same time being a highly potent fertility improving herb.


The role played by peppermint leaf in Fertilitea™ is quite interesting. It is a sexual stimulant that serves an added role of adding flavor to the fertility tea.

A combination of the above-mentioned herbs gives you the much acclaimed Fertilitea™ organic fertility tea. For a herbal tea of its caliber, Fertilitea™ is well worth every penny you spend on it.

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Does Fertility Tea Work?

Does Fertility Tea Work?

Does Fertility Tea Work?

Does Fertility Tea Work?

Herbal teas have been used for more than 2000 years. Herbal teas are infusions that contain no actual tea leaves. The herbal components are infused with water to elucidate the dried fruits, roots, bark, flowers and leaves’ potent ingredients.

Fertility Tea What Is It?

Fertility teas are made from natural, all herbal ingredients, all of which work in varied ways. Collectively they improve a woman’s health and her ability to become pregnant.

While some fertility teas help to reduce stress, others enhance a woman’s general health, and other varieties work. Therefore they restore the body’s optimal hormonal balance.

Fertility teas offer a wide range of health benefits, which include numerous that are known help improve a woman’s fertility.

Fertility teas and herbal teas, in general, contain vital compounds such as vitamin B, folate, magnesium, and plenty of antioxidants.

Does Fertility Tea Work? Yes, Here Is Why

There are several types of fertility teas out there. Below are some different teas and why does fertility tea work.


Nettle teas are known to harbor natural anti-inflammatory properties. These properties help improve the body’s health and nutritional state.

Nettle has high concentrations of protein, calcium, and iron, which are essential components for good reproductive health.

Experts assert that increased intake of plant proteins such as Nettle can help boost the likelihood of conceiving.


Raspberry tea is rich in vitamin C, flavonoids, and antioxidants which are great for a woman’s health and fertility.

This tea have been cited as having muscle relaxing properties which contribute towards improved chances of conception and successful pregnancy.

These types of fertility teas work by relaxing uterine muscles making embryo attachment that much easier.


Ginger is a well-documented anti-inflammatory agent. Women who suffer from conditions such as endometriosis find conceiving to be quite the impossible task.

Ginger tea improves blood circulation to the reproductive organs further raising the likelihood of conception.

4. PEPPERMINT TEA:Does Fertility Tea Work?

Peppermint tea is a widely used stress reliever that packs Vitamins B12, A and C. The B vitamin folate has been shown in studies to promote reproductive health, improve conception chances and also promote healthy pregnancies.

On top of being a stress reliever, peppermint tea is an effective fertility tea.


This type of tea is the perfect choice for women seeking to conceive but are unable to due to hormonal imbalances.

This fertility tea packs lots of calcium and magnesium. Both ingredients promote good muscle health which is crucial for a healthy pregnancy.

The tea also helps in healthy weight gain which is good for increased fertility.

Infertility In America Vs China

Many women struggle with unexplained infertility meaning the cause cannot be accurately determined. It is estimated that close to 13 percent of American women seek natural remedies to infertility.

Over on the opposite end of the planet, the Chinese seem to have known the solution to infertility centuries before the western world finally learned of fertility teas.

These teas correct or alleviate reproductive system anomalies and increase the chances of conception.

So, does fertility tea work? Indeed, without a single doubt, they do.

Acupuncture Sessions For Fertility Success

Acupuncture Sessions For Fertility Success

Acupuncture Sessions For Fertility SuccessAcupuncture Sessions for Fertility Success


How many Acupuncture Sessions for Fertility Success are needed. Sometimes, it comes a point where you are willing to try just about anything to conceive. You learn that there are different medical procedures assuring you a successful conception and pregnancy. You read countless of books and articles about treating infertility until you chance upon acupuncture treatment for infertility.

This treatment, dating back to as far as history goes, encourages more and more men and women to undergo acupuncture treatment. To first-timers, there are questions that need answers before saying yes to acupuncture. The questions that surround acupuncture’s benefits, its effects on the body, and its safety within the context of fertility are common and normal. In trying this treatment, one might also ask about the number of acupuncture sessions for fertility success.

This article aims to give an informative discussion on the number of acupuncture sessions needed for fertility success and more. Read on to discover everything that you need to know!


What are the benefits of acupuncture for fertility?

Acupuncture is a popular traditional Chinese remedy.  Developed over thousands of years. Daoism influenced acupuncture greatly. Its believers meditated over the energy that flows through our universe. Acupuncture has a long history of being used as a treatment through different needling techniques in various acupuncture points in the human body.

Inserting needles, made specifically for the purpose of acupuncture treatment, on the surface of our body relieves the blockage of Qi (pronounced as chi). The Chinese believe Qi is the energy found inside our body. When it is free-flowing and circulates through channels or medians, it gives the body a balanced mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional health.

The benefits of acupuncture for fertility are significantly positive. It is good for both men and women who want to conceive. Acupuncture affects your body and increases the chances of pregnancy. If you wish to undergo an acupuncture session for fertility success, here are the following benefits that you can expect:

  • Acupuncture improves male sperm health, sperm count, and sperm motility.
  • It improves male and female hormone levels.
  • Promotes healthy stress levels in both men and women.
  • Helps regulate the female menstrual cycle.
  • It improves the quality of the endometrium and uterine lining for a successful implantation.
  • Increases blood flow and blood circulation in the uterus.
  • It balances the endocrine system.
  • Acupuncture significantly improves the success rate of other medical treatments for infertility.
  • Minimises the risk of miscarriages and other pregnancy complications.
  • Assists the to uterus relax and lessen contractions.
  • It helps alleviate pain and cramping.



Is acupuncture a safe remedy for infertility?Acupuncture Sessions for Fertility Success

The idea of undergoing acupuncture treatment can be overwhelming to some, especially if you have a fear of needles. Do not worry since acupuncture is a safe remedy for infertility. The needles used during each session are different from typical hospital needles. Acupuncture needles are ultra-thin, fine, disposable, flexible, and sanitized. There may be discomfort at first or nothing at all before you can enjoy its benefits.

Acupuncture sessions for fertility success should be handled by a licensed professional. With acupuncture growing popularly, some fertility clinics refer their patients to professional acupuncturists who specialize in fertility.

The effects of acupuncture on fertility can be immediately enjoyed at the end of each session. You can feel relaxed, refreshed, and revitalized. Acupuncture safely and painlessly prepares your body to be in its most favorable condition to increase your chances of successfully conceiving.


How many acupuncture sessions does it take to get pregnant?

The thought of having your own little bundle of joy is exciting. However, for those who are having problems conceiving, it can be nerve-wracking. For acupuncture treatment for infertility, positive results usually manifest around the first up to the third session.  Treatments vary from weekly sessions lasting a couple of months up to years. The numbers of acupuncture sessions depend on each individual’s response to the treatment.


Stress is one main factor in one’s inability to conceive. Acupuncture and other infertility treatments can make a difference between a successful and failed conception. It is a traditional treatment that withstood the test of time. The time frame for each acupuncture sessions for fertility success vary. Trying acupuncture for fertility wouldn’t hurt.

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What Is Acupuncture For Infertility Success Rate

What Is Acupuncture For Infertility Success Rate

Acupuncture for Infertility Success Rate

Acupuncture For Infertility Success Rate

Acupuncture For Infertility Success Rate is high for both genders. Infertility is a problem experienced by both genders. There are different factors affecting fertility. Infertility can be caused by day to day stress and lifestyle choices. However, with modern medicine, men and women suffering from infertility disorders have different treatment options to choose from. There is a wide range of treatments, health tips, and medical procedures for infertility that gained popularity along the recent years—and acupuncture is one of those.

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