Infertility In Women
Infertility in women is more common then you may think. The following article contains in-depth yet brief information concerning infertility in women. Various stats relating to women infertility have been outlined in a clear easy-to-understand manner. You’ll also learn about the two types of Fertility Problems In Women, the risk factors and so much more. Just stay tuned and you’ll definitely get all the info you’re looking for at a single stop.
Around one in seven couples may experience some problems conceiving a baby or getting pregnant. However, more than eight in ten couples having regular unprotected sex every two to three days a week will conceive within 12 months if the woman is below 40 years of age. Also, of those women who don’t get pregnant within the first year, about 50 percent will conceive in the second year.
There are several causes of infertility in women. However, in about three in every ten cases, it will be extremely hard to determine the reason for infertility. Some causes are incredibly easy to treat while others are not.
What Is Infertility?
Infertility refers to difficulty in becoming pregnant (conceiving) despite having regular unprotected sex. In medical terms, infertility can also be referred to as Pelvic inflammatory disease or Polycystic ovaries.
There’s no definite cut-off point to determine when a woman is infertile. Around 84 women out of 100 get pregnant within a year of trying. Whilst around 92 women out of 100 get pregnant within two years. Around one in seven couples do not get pregnant within a year of trying. But more than 50 percent of these couples will get pregnant over the following year without undergoing any treatment.
For a woman who have been trying to get pregnant for three years or more without success, the possibility of conceiving within the year that follows is 25 percent or less.
Doctors will diagnose a woman as infertile if she doesn’t get pregnant after two years, despite having regular unprotected sex. It is worth visiting a qualified GP if you haven’t conceived after trying for one year. A GP can help you determine some of the common causes and discuss the best way forward. You may need to visit a GP earlier if you are aged above 36 years or if either partner has a history of infertility.
Types Of Infertility In Women
There are two main types of infertility in women:
Primary Fertility Problems
Primary infertility is where a woman who has never conceived in the past, experience difficulties conceiving a child for the first time.
Secondary Fertility Problems
Secondary infertility is where a woman who had one or more successful pregnancies in the past but is experiencing difficulties conceiving again.
The Risk Factors For Women Infertility
In medical science, a risk factor is anything that raises the ultimate risk of developing a particular condition, symptom or disease. The primary risk factor for infertility in women is age.
How Does Age Affect Women Fertility?
Women are usually born with a finite amount of eggs. As the reproductive age of every woman progress, the quality and the amount of the said eggs diminish. Chances of getting pregnant decreases by three percent to five percent in every year after attaining the age of 30 years. The massive reduction in fertility is clearly noted to a greater extent after every woman hits the age of 40. The other risk factors include smoking, alcohol consumption, overweight, eating disorders, over-exercising, not exercising, among others.
Here’s the bottom line; if you’ve been unable to become pregnant after a whole year of regular unprotected sex, visit your doctor and get your fertility evaluated. An analysis of the semen belonging to the male partner should be performed before you undergo any invasive testing.
Fertility testing in a woman should be performed especially if the woman is of 35 years of age and above or if either partner is aware of the risk factors.
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