Foods that Help You Get Pregnant

foods that help you get pregnant

foods that help you get pregnantFoods that help you get pregnant are apart of a healthy and balanced diet. This is essential to increasing your chances of getting pregnant and having a healthy baby. Most women are very careful about what to eat and not eat during the pregnancy, but not everyone take much care about food when trying to conceive. Did you know that certain food enhances your chances to conceive. Whether you are trying to get pregnant for the first time or planning to add to your family, there are foods that help you get pregnant.

Foods that Help You Get Pregnant


Beans are magical fruit but they also improve your fertility. A study at Harvard School of Public Health showed that women who included high amounts of plant protein in their diet are more likely to conceive. So if you are trying to get pregnant, you should add beans to your diet. It can be in form of salad, vegetarian chili, nuts, etc.

Ice Cream

It may be a pleasant surprise, but yes ice cream is great for boosting your chances of getting pregnant, and it does not mean low fat variety. Studies have shown that one or two daily serving of whole milk or whole milk products prevent ovulatory infertility. Skim and low fat milk and related products, on the other hand, do the opposite. However, it is wise not to go overboard with it. Ensure that you compensate for the extra calories somewhere else in your diet.

Leafy Greens

Leafy greens such as spinach, broccoli, romaine and other dark leafy greens are rich in folate which improves ovulation. And this is not restricted to women. Men who have higher dose of folate in their diet produce healthier sperm. It also reduces the chances of miscarriage and genetic problems in the baby. A study shows that men with highest intake of the vitamin have about 20% reduction in the number of abnormal sperm.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are rich in iron found in certain plant food and iron fortified foods. Women with high level of iron in their body are 40% less likely to have issues getting pregnant than those who didn’t. You can toast pumpkin seeds to make a crunchy and pregnancy boosting snack.

Whole Wheat Bread

It takes longer for complex carbs to digest than refined ones, which help maintain your blood sugar and insulin levels. Increased level of sugar and insulin in your body can disturb your reproductive hormones. A Dutch study has shown that women with high levels of sugar in blood are 50% less likely to get pregnant. Hence, when trying to get pregnant, choose dark bread (whole wheat bread) over light bread, brown rice over white rice and whole wheat pasta over white ones.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is a monounsaturated fat, which helps in increasing insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation throughput the body. Inflammation inhibits with conception, ovulation and early development of your embryo. You can use it on salads or use it for cooking.

Wild Salmon

The cold water wild salmon is a fish loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, which aids in regulating reproductive hormones and increase blood flow to the reproductive organs. It is also lower in mercury than any other fatty fish. In relation, you should avoid shark, swordfish, king mackerel and tilefish.

These are foods that help you get pregnant and should be included sufficiently in your diet when you are trying to get pregnant. Intake of these foods, as well as any other which supply you with vitamins and minerals can help you in getting pregnant and during your pregnancy. You should prefer organic and fresh food over processed and preserved food items.


Top 6 Proven Herbal Remedies For Infertility

Natural Fertility Boosters

Natural Fertility Boosters

Natural Fertility BoostersNatural Fertility Boosters are a safe, natural and enjoyable methods to ease the stress and increase the chances of conceiving. There are those who boost their fertility using medicines but there are side effects that you are likely to suffer later in the years because of the medicines. For you to avoid the side effects you can actually boost your immunity in a natural way using the following ways.


Natural Fertility Boosters


Foods that Help You Get Pregnant

A healthy diet can change your fertility positively. If you can do some simple changes on your diet you will lower the risk of developing infertility. Research shows that men who eat healthy diet each day have improved or healthy sperm count than those men who have poor diets. Consider your diet if it is healthy or not. Foods that Help You Get Pregnant.

Yoga For Fertility

These are several yoga exercises that help to improve your body and mind. These exercises also boost the reproduction through the breathing techniques. For a woman it can be very stressful to conceive and if you have trained these exercises, you will be able to clear your mind and control your breathing. The exercises will also help you to prepare your body for pregnancy.

Go for a Fertility Massage

Fertility massage can also help your improve your fertility. This type of technique is for women to help them improve their reproductive health. There are two type of fertility massage
Self fertility massage: This is a series of techniques that you can do from your home. Self fertility massage can help promote circulation, reduce pain, promote hormonal imbalance, and strengthen the uterus and more. This massage can also be a remedy to blocked fallopian tubes.
Arvigo Technique of Maya Abdorminal Massage: This type of massage is given by a profession rather than you doing yourself.


Herbal Remedies For Fertility

Some of us when we hear about herbs we tend to look down upon. But are you aware that some of the drugs that we use some of the ingredients used are from herbs? Okay, this does not mean that you have to go to the field and look for shrubs but how about taking herbal tea? I know this is something that you will like. If you can opt to be taking few cups of herbal tea each day you will improve your fertilityHerbal Remedies For Infertility.

Use a Stress Reduction Plan to Boost Fertility

We are living in a world where the demand is high and this in turn put pressure to our bodies resulting to stress. A body which is stressed is likely to stop functioning the normal way. If your body can be in a constant state of stress it will affect your reproductive system. Falling pregnant when the body is stressed is difficult.


Acupuncture For Fertility

Acupuncture for fertility is safe and successful in both men and women. It improves and balances male and female hormones. Acupuncture helps regulate females menstrual cycle and it improves the sperm count and mobility in men. A common question is how many acupuncture sessions for fertility success? What is the acupuncture for infertility success rate?

Natural fertility boosters can also include Drinking fertility smoothies, consuming fats, eating Vitamins and Minerals are also other alternatives that you can use to boost your fertility. You should not invest your cash in using pills to boost your fertility but instead try out these techniques.


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Holistic Fertility Treatment Herbal remedies for infertility


Holistic Fertility Treatment

Holistic Fertility Treatment As A Proven Way To Cure Women Infertility. Are you looking for a safer and more efficient way to treat infertility than the current medical techniques such as surgery and pharmaceuticals? Just read on and discover a surefire way to have your problem eliminated by use of homeopathic remedies without the need to undergo the costly and unsafe surgical procedures.

What is Homeopathy?

If you don’t know what homeopathy is, you are not alone. This term may sound like rocket science to many, but it simply means the application of holistic medicine to treat both chronic and acute conditions. The form of treatment is fundamentally based on the principle of “like heals like”. In simpler terms, a substance taken in minute amounts will treat the same condition it causes if taken in large quantities.

Homeopathic drugs are made using a process that combines vigorous shaking (succussion) and serial dilution. Succussion is the technique of vigorous shaking while striking against a surface. One may obviously wonder how effective a drug can be if diluted to a hundredth of its potency.

But homeopaths believe the process of succession and dilution leave an imprint of the original drug’s energy pattern in the final substance, which in turn encourages the body’s curing system to start working efficiently.

How Does Holistic Fertility Treatment Work?

Homeopathy as a holistic medicine focuses on the individual as a whole. Homeopathy experts believe that the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual factors are perfectly interconnected, and no single factor should be isolated when determining treatment. The technique employs the same principle when treating infertility.

It alleviates the cause of infertility by going to the basic root of the problem. For instance, if your infertility problems are mainly because of hormonal problems, your homeopathy expert provides you with drugs that can alleviate the imbalance.


Homeopathy Remedies Also Work By:

  • Helping with the alleviation of negative thought processes and emotional blockages that may affect fertility.
  • Enhancing ovulation cycles
  • Reducing stress
  • Healing the side effects that comes with conventional treatment
  • Assisting the patient deal with acute depression and anxiety

A study published in a homeopathy journal found that homeopathic treatment is a highly useful alternative to conventional medicine especially in women experiencing difficulties with their ovulation cycles. The research team further revealed that the effect of homeopathy is much more than a placebo effect.

You may require to undergo some tests to check for any disorders such as; hormonal disorders, uterine fibroids, and fallopian tube problems.


Is Homeopathy Safe And Efficient?

Homeopathy treatment is perfectly safe. Homeopathic drugs are manufactured from a very tiny amount of the active substance. This makes the medicine produced very safe. After two hundred years of trials, research, and practice, homeopathy has been proven to be efficient and safe for human use. As opposed to conventional medicine, homeopathic drugs have no side effects and are non-additive.

How Soon Should I Expect To Get Pregnant?

If the cause of your infertility is accurately determined and the suitable remedy provided. You should find yourself achieving a successful pregnancy within six months to one year or two. It may sometimes take longer if you’re suffering from another health condition as well.

Holistic Fertility Treatment Herbal remedies for infertilityAs we conclude, it’s important to know that real homeopathy experts are doctors and other registered health care professionals. They are therefore bound to work within the competence of their level of training, profession, and qualification in homeopathy.

What this means is that a homeopathic treatment cannot be prescribed when, for instance, a conventional method is actually the best option for the patient.


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Top 6 Proven Herbal Remedies For Infertility

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Herbal Remedies For Infertility

Herbal Remedies For Infertility is safe and natural in correct dosages. Some women have already experienced faster or better results with the help of natural herbs. The following article aims to equip the reader with priceless information he/she might need regarding herbal remedies for infertility treatment.

While nutrition is, of course, a crucial part of healthy fertility, it is lesser known that various herbs can play a critical role in this area. It is usually a straightforward and a simple process to facilitate the achievement of a successful pregnancy by use of safe and time tested herbs to balance female libido and hormones. These herbs are also useful in nourishing the female reproductive system and the whole body processes which as a result assists in relaxing the entire nervous system facilitating conception.


best way to get pregnant natural remedies


The Best Herbal Remedies For Infertility


1. Black Cohosh Root, Also Known As; Actaea Racemose

Do you experience irregular menstrual cycle? Has your period gone missing? Perhaps you are not ovulating regularly…. Black cohosh may assist to bring on an absent menstrual cycle and aid the body in the regulation of hormones and promotion of ovulation. Attainment of a regular cycle makes it incredibly easier to achieve a successful pregnancy.

2. Red Raspberry Leaf

It’s a popular healthy reproduction herb which is also useful during pregnancy. It features a high nutrient profile and is particularly high in calcium content and acts as a uterine tonic. It is also available in capsule form but can also make an excellent cold or hot tea.

3. Stinging Nettle

Stinging nettle does not only nourish and tone the uterus but also enhance strengthening of adrenal glands and kidneys. One or even more cups of this high mineral tea taken per day for several months functions perfectly in the preparation of a woman’s body for conception and sustaining the embryo after achieving conception.

4. Dong Quai Root, also known as; Angelica sinensis

The herb assists to increase blood circulation to the uterus. It is also iron rich to help in the proper formation of blood, toning and strengthening of uterus by regulating control of hormones and improving the timing of the menstrual cycle.

5. Maca

Maca is a hormone balancing herb that is popular throughout the world for its vitality and fertility promoting properties. It is suitable for boosting fertility in both women and men, but women should take it between menstrual cycle and ovulation only and discontinue immediately to ensure it isn’t taken during pregnancy. It’s a highly potent herb that has very significant effects on both gender fertility. It either comes in capsule or powdered form.

6. Red Clover

This is a perfect fertility herb basically due to enormous amounts of magnesium and calcium. Magnesium and calcium are critical in a women’s ability to conceive. The herb contains all trace elements required by the glandular system. Red clover is the most efficient herb used for hormone balancing required to facilitate conception.

Herbal Remedies For Infertility - Foods that Help You Get PregnantAs we wind up, it’s critical to know that these herbs should never be taken in combination with hormonal birth control, hormonal treatments, or fertility drugs! With any medications or herbs, consult a health care professional or a doctor first about your particular case and do your research!



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