Spotting During Pregnancy – Causes,Recommendations And How To Manage It

Spotting During Pregnancy - Having A Healthy Pregnancy

Spotting During Pregnancy - Having A Healthy PregnancyAny kind of spotting during pregnancy can be a terrifying experience to every woman. But the good news is that even though spotting occurs in nearly 70 percent of all pregnancies. It usually pose no threat to the baby or the mother. This article is packed with all the information every pregnant woman may need to know concerning spotting during pregnancy. Having the know-how about spotting during pregnancy will prepare you psychologically. It will also prevent you from experiencing unnecessary fears.


What Does Spotting During Pregnancy Really Mean?

Spotting during pregnancy is the discharge of blood from a pregnant woman’s reproductive organs. It may take place any time from conception to the end of pregnancy. It is usual for a small proportion of pregnant women to experience light bleeding after coitus. While others may have spotting for other reasons unrelated to pregnancy. Such as tears to the vaginal wall or infections to the same.


Spotting During Pregnancy Versus Bleeding

Light bleeding or spotting during pregnancy is usual especially during the first trimester. This is no cause for alarm. Spotting is basically when you see a few drops of blood in your underwear in some occasions. Bleeding on the other hand, is characterized by a heavier blood flow. With bleeding, you’ll need a pad or a liner to prevent the blood drops from soaking your clothes.

The vast majority of light bleeding during pregnancy is harmless. But bleeding inconsiderate of how scant, can be an indication of several complications. These include plancenta previa, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, and thus must not to be ignored.


Causes Of Light Bleeding During Pregnancy

Implantation Bleeding

The most common cause of spotting during pregnancy is implantation bleeding which takes place early during pregnancy. Implantation bleeding takes place when the embryo attaches to the lining of the uterus. This may cause a few days of bleeding. This light bleeding occurs before even a woman is aware that she has conceived and is usually mistaken to a pending period.

Cervical Polyp

Cervical polyp is a harmless tumor on the cervix that is more likely to shed tiny drops of blood after conception due to increased levels of estrogen hormone. This usually occur because there is increased number of blood vessels on the tissue near the cervix during pregnancy. Contact with this area through gynecological exam or sexual intercourse may result to bleeding.


Recommendations And Management Of Spotting During Pregnancy

Bleeding or spotting during pregnancy should never be ignored. It is critical to contact your obstetrician to discuss the symptoms you’re experiencing. The good news is that 50 percent of women with bleeding or spotting during pregnancy go on having a successful pregnancy and a healthy baby. However, this doesn’t mean that you don’t need to see a health care provider!

Spotting During Pregnancy - Having A Healthy PregnancyHere is the bottom line; any vaginal bleeding during pregnancy could be a symptom of a bigger problem so no matter when it occurs it warrants a phone call to your health care provider even if it’s only to confirm nothing is amiss. Be ready to answer detailed questions concerning the timing of blood, the amount, and the color in order to best assist your doctor determine the possible cause.


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