Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) All You Need To Know

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) All You Need To Know

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)



Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI). What is it? Are you considering taking the Intrauterine Insemination procedure for infertility treatment but don’t know much about it? Then, you are in the right place. The following article introduces to you all the basic facts you need to understand about IUI before taking the procedure.


What is Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)?

Intrauterine Insemination, better known as IUI, is a type of AI (Artificial Insemination) used to treat infertility. Sperm which have been washed and concentrated are inserted directly to the womb during the time when the ovary releases one egg, or several eggs to be fertilized. More traditional types of AI place the sperm into the vagina. Though this was incredibly easier, it wasn’t as successful as the current IUI process.

The ideal result of IUI is for the sperm to travel into the fallopian tube. Here it will fertilize a waiting egg and result to a healthy pregnancy. Intrauterine Insemination can be either coordinated with fertility drugs or your regular cycle depending on the reasons for your infertility. Intrauterine Insemination is performed in healthy and definite fallopian tubes which are not blocked. This is proven through tests such as hysterosalpingogram, typically conducted by a specialist.


Why use Intrauterine Insemination?

IUI is useful to women who are experiencing any of the following situations:

1. Cervical factor fertility problem

Your cervix is located at the lower end of the womb and provides the opening between your uterus and vagina. The mucus produced by your cervix during the time of ovulation is supposed to offer a suitable environment for sperm to move from the vagina to fallopian tubes. however, if the cervical mucus is extremely thick, it may block sperm movement. The IUI procedure bypasses your cervix, depositing sperm directly into your womb and boosting the amount of sperm available to meet an awaiting egg.

2. Semen allergy

It is possible for women to experience an allergy to proteins in their male partner’s semen. This makes ejaculation into their vagina an uncomfortable experience. It can cause redness and a burning sensation, as well as swelling at the point where the semen has contacted the skin. A condom is usually used to protect the woman from these symptoms, but it also prevents her from conceiving. If you experience severe sensitivity, IUI can be efficient because most of the semen proteins are earlier removed before the sperm is inserted.

3. Specific conditions such as HIV when a man doesn’t want to pass the virus to the partner and the child.

IUI is particularly useful in this scenario. If a man knows that he has HIV, IUI can be used to reduce the chance of passing HIV on the woman and the future child.

4. Unexplained Fertility problems

Intrauterine Insemination is usually performed as the initial treatment for unexplained fertility problems along with ovulation-inducing drugs.

5. Endometriosis-related infertility

Just like unexplained fertility problems, a combination of IUI and specific drugs are used as the initial treatment process.

6. Inability or difficulties in having sexual intercourse.

There are several reasons that a couple could be experiencing difficulties with sexual intercourse. It may be attributed to any of the following factors, as well as other possibilities not listed here:

  • Physical disabilities
  • Psycho-sexual problems
  • Premature ejaculation

In these instances, IUI can prove an extremely useful technique to become pregnant with your partner.

7. The desire to use donated sperms.

In such a case, frozen donor sperm specimens are obtainable from certified androgyny laboratories and thawed before carrying out the IUI process.


Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

To sum up everything, IUI is a very quick procedure and is done in the fertility clinic office without use of any anesthesia. It is not painful, but a few women have reported a mild discomfort experience. With such benefits, it’s entirely clear why intrauterine insemination is frequently used as the initial method of infertility treatment.


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Artificial Insemination Side Effects

Artificial Insemination side effects will you be able to cope? Do you know what you should expect after artificial insemination, more commonly known as AI? If you don’t know, then you are not alone! A lot of women out there who have undergone artificial insemination treatment do not ideally know what to expect. This is where this masterpiece comes in handy; to let you know exactly what you need to expect after undergoing artificial insemination procedure in order to keep you posted and psychologically prepared.

Artificial Insemination Side Effects – Cramping

Unfortunately, most healthcare providers forget about their noble responsibility of informing you about the side effects and other possible complications. For instance, it is quite a frequent occurrence for women who have taken artificial insemination treatment to suffer from abdominal cramps. Cramping is, therefore, a usual side effect of artificial insemination. Cramping usually happen if the fertility expert experienced some difficulty when reaching the cervix during the AI process.

Artificial Insemination Side Effects – Vaginal infections

Another side effect with artificial insemination is the risk of vaginal infection. These infections may occur when particular bacteria access entry into your vagina. Infections in the vagina result in discharge with itching, irritation, and foul odor.

Artificial Insemination Side Effects – Bleeding and Spotting

Your cervix may also get injured while conducting this treatment procedure causing spotting and bleeding.

What should you expect to do immediately after Artificial Insemination?

Most fertility experts expect you to lie down for between 15-20 minutes after Artificial Insemination. This may, however, be unnecessary because the cervix doesn’t remain open and thus, leakage can’t occur. A majority of women may feel wet after artificial insemination. Don’t mistake this to leakage of sperm, because it is actually due to cervical mucus that was loosened by the catheter. In fact, this is one of the most common symptom expected after undergoing artificial insemination process.

If you feel unwell or experience cramping or other complications immediately after artificial insemination, you may need to take things easy and take rest till you feel that you have completely recovered. Substantially reducing aerobic activity along with other activities that may cause a miscarriage, if implantation has occurred, may be extremely beneficial. Enjoying Sexual intercourse is very possible after artificial insemination treatment. Contrary to what majority of people wrongly believe, sexual intercourse doesn’t cause a miscarriage. But fertility experts frequently suggest a waiting period of approximately 48 hours before coitus.

How implantation takes place after Artificial Insemination

An artificial insemination pregnancy is similar to a natural pregnancy. The only difference appears to be in the process of how sperm enters the egg. If you have undergone artificial insemination, you can expect implantation to take place after 6 to 12 days after ovulating. A pregnancy test taken any time after this period shows a negative or a positive result.

A pregnancy test taken from home is always 99 percent accurate. This test is done by holding an absorbent tip in the flow of urine for about 5 seconds. The test kit must be placed in a face-up flat position for 2 minutes. A positive color, two red lines, or a plus sign indicate pregnancy. If you took an HCG injection before artificial insemination, you might get a false positive outcome. This may force you to take another test for pregnancy after a few days.

Artificial Insemination side effects

Here is the bottom line; preparing for the complications expected after artificial insemination will help you deal with the situation in a better way. Your ability to fall pregnant may be substantially improved by the help of artificial insemination. Success rates can be greatly increased with deeper awareness and proper knowledge of the process as well as what to do and what to expect after artificial insemination procedure.

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Pregnancy Test After IVF

Pregnancy Test After IVF

Pregnancy test after IVF


Pregnancy Test After IVF

Pregnancy Test After IVF is a two weeks wait period. This is definitely one of the most frustrating stages of IVF for most women. There is not much to accomplish for those 2 weeks but to keep waiting. The only way to pass time for many women is definitely performing as many HPT as they can. If IVF procedure is your plan, this page will tell you much more about home pregnancy tests. Just read on.

What your pregnancy test results indicate

A pregnancy test can be performed at a doctor’s office or at home. The Doctor can test the blood or urine. The test shows whether there’re visible amounts of human chorionic gonadotropin.  The home pregnancy test checks the urine.

What is HCG?

HCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin, also referred to as “the pregnancy hormone”. Your body starts producing pregnancy hormone when the embryo starts to implant in the uterus. This occurs around five to seven days after conception.

What is the beta test?

Beta test also referred to as beta human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This is a mere blood test used to check for pregnancy. A qualitative test just tells whether or not there’s human chorionic gonadotropin present. Either in the urine or blood while a qualitative test determines the level of the hormone present. A HPT is, therefore, a qualitative test since it shows whether or not there’s any visible Hcg in the urine.

When Should I Do A Pregnancy Test After IVF?

When answering this, it is critical to keep in mind that the ovulation stimulation shot you took. This shot before theegg retrieval contains pregnancy hormone. If you take the test too early, you will definitely pick up the hormone traces of and not the hormone produced by pregnancy. The hormone trigger shot dosage usually ranges around 5,000-20,000 I.U. of your drug and it comes in various brand names such as Profasi, Pregnyl, Ovidrel, and Novarel. The hormone generally stays in your body for eight to ten days after taking the stimulation shot; this may differ depending on the dosage given by your health care provider and your body weight.

As a result, you absolutely don’t need to to take the HPT until at least nine days after your hormone trigger shot and typically, it is almost impossible to achieve a real positive test until eleven days after you take your trigger. You, therefore, don’t have to make yourself sick or crazy with worry by taking the test too soon. Just save your hard-earned bucks on those excess HPTs and get to wait at least eleven days after taking your stimulation shot to take a HPT.

The bottom line

What may actually happen during your IVF cycle is more likely to differ from a normal cycle identified in other women. Keep in mind that In Vitro Fertilization is a relatively new treatment procedure since the first baby to be conceived through IVF was born only about 40 years ago and there are a lot of variations within our reproductive system that health care providers don’t understand.

Pregnancy Test After IVFIt is equally important to note that our bodies are very unpredictable, and that’s why we go through whatever we go through while trying to fall pregnant. So even if HPT or a fertility clinic test turns out negative sometime before your official quantitative Pregnancy hormone blood test, that doesn’t mean it’s over.

The IVF world has thousands of patients who actually had a negative home pregnancy test a day before their HCG beta test and later conceived twins!


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Male IVF Preparation -Male Fertility Test

Male IVF Preparation -Male Fertility TestMale IVF Preparation -Male Fertility Test

Male IVF Preparation – Did you know that about 70 percent of all fertility problems are as a result of male infertility issues? A man could be entirely healthy, but produce sperms of poor quality. If you are suffering from infertility issues and you’re planning to seek IVF treatment, the following masterpiece provides you or your spouse with all the information you may need to have about Fertility Test For Men so you may know what to expect.


A quick overview of the causes of Male Infertility

Male infertility can be attributed to a number of factors that may either affect sperm transport process or sperm production. Such problems include:

• Absent or blocked tubes (vas deferens)
• Poor sperm production and /or low number of sperms
• Extremely high numbers of sperms bearing abnormal shapes
• Anti-sperm antibodies
• Sperm production failure
• Fragmentation of sperm DNA

In some cases, a genetic or chromosomal abnormality such as cystic fibrosis can affect male fertility. Some men may also have more severe medical issues such as low testosterone levels or low male sex hormones.

What is Semen Analysis?

Semen analysis perfectly determines the number of sperm. It also determines their size and shape (morphology), and their ability to move (motility). The consistency together with the volume of the ejaculated sample. A normal analysis of semen should show a sperm count of around 20 million sperm per ml. With half the number showing progressive forward movement.

Learn how Semen Analysis work

You’ll be required to provide a semen sample through masturbation, following three days of abstinence from ejaculation. Collect the whole amount produced in a sterile specimen container and take it to an andrology laboratory. Andrology scientists will then assess semen Ph, the presence of leukocyte, color, and appearance. They also determine how fast the sperms are moving (motility) and count the number of sperms (concentration).

The shape (morphology) of sperms is also checked. If needed, the vitality of sperms is also determined (the proportion of immotile sperms that are dead or alive). This is based on effects of a particular dye on the sperms. If any problems are detected. Repeat tests are often required to assess the kind and extent of the problem. And whether or not it is a persistent problem. Sperms often have a life cycle of about 72 days. If you’re stressed or ill, such feelings can temporarily affect production of quality sperms.

What is Sperms Antibodies test?

If your sperm stick to one another tail-to-tail, head-to-head or in a mixed way, this condition is referred to as agglutination. The most probable cause of such a condition is the presence of antibodies. What this means is that you have probably developed antibodies which work against your sperms. It can substantially affect both the penetration of sperms into the cervical mucus and the success of any IVF treatment. This is diagnosed via more sophisticated methods conducted as part of semen analysis. The condition is commonly found in men who had a vasectomy.

Male IVF Preparation -Male Fertility TestTo sum up everything, semen analysis is undoubtedly the most critical male fertility test important before undertaking an IVF treatment. Semen analysis truly provides you with an accurate measurement of sperms number. The percentage of sperms that are able to swim comfortably and sperm shape (morphology).



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Natural Ways To Cure Infertility

Natural Ways To Cure Infertility is an endless list. Start with your diet and look at what you are putting into your body. Cutting out preservatives and man made chemicals in food. Did you know that numerous studies have shown that persons with infertility fall pregnant after trying natural therapies?

The following article is aimed to assist you in getting valuable information about the action of natural remedies that have been proven efficient for the treatment of fertility problems. Let’s move straight to our main point of concern.

A natural approach to solving infertility treats the root causes of infertility. By addressing all the body systems, instead of focusing only on the reproductive organs. Most of the couples who cannot conceive suffer from several clinical conditions combined. The said conditions cannot cause infertility problems on their own. When combined, they can significantly reduce a couple’s probability of falling pregnant.

For instance, gluten intolerance alone can’t cause infertility. However, the inflammation in the gut that results from gluten intolerance can minimize your nutrient absorption. This can lead to deficiencies in nutrients you require for hormonal, egg, and sperm production and a healthy pregnancy too. Direct exposure to toxic compounds, heavy metals, and radiation in some drugs, foods, and other products can cause terrible damage to your DNA. Here are some of the natural ways to cure infertility:

Consider optimal fertility nutrition

Optimal fertility nutrition is basically about what to take as well as what to cut down on or completely avoid. A recent study found that dietary habits, which have an adverse effect on the sensitivity of glucose such as taking a starchy diet, can work to dampen fertility. Diets containing substantial amounts of trans-fatty acids which are commonly found in processed foods tend to have problems with ovulation.

Reproductive health practitioners encourage a non-inflammatory diet for couples who desire to conceive. Noninflammatory diet is a diet that contains a lot of vegetables, complex proteins, and carbohydrates to stabilize blood sugar. They should also take organic produce, and meat should preferably come from pasture-raised animals. Every woman should also cut down on caffeine because recent studies correlate it with miscarriage as well as alcoholic beverages which act like sugars in the body.

Minimize your direct exposure to toxins

Exposure to common environmental toxins such as industrial chemical elements both in neonatally and utero may substantially affect your fertility. Many chemicals used in daily life don’t go through similar testing processes medicines do. As a result, poisonous chemicals ends up circulating in the environment, water, air, and food supply.

The strongest evidence of environmental pollution and heavy metals adversely affecting women reproductive system has been found with lead. Other elements that can alter hormonal function and result in poor reproductive health include:

• Phthalates found in plastic food containers, IV bags, vinyl flooring, medical supplies, cling wrap, and packaging at extremely high levels have been associated with testicular toxicity and miscarriage. They also disrupt hormonal balance even at low levels.
• PAH; the chemicals released from cigarettes, road tar, and car fumes.
• VCH chemicals that are used in pesticides, plastics, and rubber tires.

Natural Ways To Cure InfertilityTo sum up everything, since infertility is also a guy thing, men should also follow similar health recommendations as women, most preferably one year before trying to start a family.

However, with the fundamental components of their reproductive parts being exposed in a manner that women’s aren’t, men also require to take several other precautions such as avoiding wearing of tight briefs among others.


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5 Tested Herbal Remedies For Pregnancy Nausea

5 Tested Herbal Remedies For Pregnancy Nausea

Herbal Remedies For Pregnancy Nausea


Herbal Remedies For Pregnancy Nausea

Herbal remedies for pregnancy nausea are completely safe and natural. Are you pregnant and experiencing nausea and vomiting? Then you are not alone, more than 50 percent of pregnant women suffer from this common condition, also known as NVP. There are many little-known home remedies for pregnancy nausea. The following masterpiece discusses some of the most efficient natural remedies for pregnancy nausea in a reader-friendly manner. Stay tuned and get informed.


1. Potato Chips

During pregnancy is perhaps the only time when potato chips provide a cure in a woman’s life…and can be taken without any guilt. Munching on a few potato chips at the first symptom of pregnancy nausea assists with nausea alleviation in most women. Stick to traditional potato chips, if you’ll prefer this cure and cut down on the fat-free types that have Olestra, the fat substitute. Olestra is known to rob of critical nutrients from your body and is also known to cause diarrhea.

Pregnancy sometimes comes with an over-production of saliva that can make the woman experience abdominal discomfort. Nibbling on a handful of vinegar-and-salt chips assists in drying up the saliva.

2. Taking Proteins and Carbs

Carbohydrates like dry toast, mashed potatoes, soda crackers, and bread have been found to assist combat pregnancy morning sickness. To combat pregnancy nausea before it begins, try keeping some crackers by your bedside. Slowly take a few before you get up in the morning. Pair proteins with carbohydrates, such as hummus and whole wheat pita or string cheese with apple slices to prevent you from feeling tired throughout the day.

3. Vegetables and fruits

Consumption of water is very crucial during pregnancy, but all the water does not have to come from your tap. Diets with high water content function double time at fighting dehydration and its close friend constipation, both of which intensify pregnancy nausea. Try snacking on frozen fruit bars, pears, apples, grapes, celery, carrots, and melons.

4. Small Multiple Meals

Taking a meal may be the last thing to think about if you have been experiencing pregnancy nausea throughout the day, but an empty belly usually worsens nausea symptoms. Take small but frequent meals, which are packed with vital nutrients but avoid fried, fatty, or acidic foods that may further irritate your digestive system. Consider preparing a plate of pita, fresh veggies, cheese and yogurt for a no-cook, cold meal, which will be less odorous when compared to a hot plate of food.

5. Ginger

This plant has a well-established proven record as a powerful herbal remedies for pregnancy nausea. The root of ginger plant contains chemicals known as shogaols and gingerols that relax the intestinal tract, relieving vomiting and pregnancy nausea. The simplest way to take your ginger is through non-caffeinated ginger (real ginger ale) or ginger tea. For ginger tea, put a half teaspoon powdered ginger spice into a glass and fill it with boiling water. Cover the glass and let it stand for 10 minutes. Then strain and sip. You should never take it more than three times in a day. If you like, you can sweeten it with just a little honey. Ginger candy is also known to be efficient and thus worth trying.

Herbal Remedies For Pregnancy NauseaAs we sum up our discussion, it’s important to ensure that you talk with your reproductive expert about any remedies for pregnancy nausea. If pregnancy nausea and vomiting are so severe that you’re continually losing hope, ask your doctor about the possibility of undergoing a more sophisticated treatment process.



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Top 6 Proven Herbal Remedies For Infertility

Herbal Remedies For Infertility

Herbal Remedies For Infertility is safe and natural in correct dosages. Some women have already experienced faster or better results with the help of natural herbs. The following article aims to equip the reader with priceless information he/she might need regarding herbal remedies for infertility treatment.

While nutrition is, of course, a crucial part of healthy fertility, it is lesser known that various herbs can play a critical role in this area. It is usually a straightforward and a simple process to facilitate the achievement of a successful pregnancy by use of safe and time tested herbs to balance female libido and hormones. These herbs are also useful in nourishing the female reproductive system and the whole body processes which as a result assists in relaxing the entire nervous system facilitating conception.


best way to get pregnant natural remedies


The Best Herbal Remedies For Infertility


1. Black Cohosh Root, Also Known As; Actaea Racemose

Do you experience irregular menstrual cycle? Has your period gone missing? Perhaps you are not ovulating regularly…. Black cohosh may assist to bring on an absent menstrual cycle and aid the body in the regulation of hormones and promotion of ovulation. Attainment of a regular cycle makes it incredibly easier to achieve a successful pregnancy.

2. Red Raspberry Leaf

It’s a popular healthy reproduction herb which is also useful during pregnancy. It features a high nutrient profile and is particularly high in calcium content and acts as a uterine tonic. It is also available in capsule form but can also make an excellent cold or hot tea.

3. Stinging Nettle

Stinging nettle does not only nourish and tone the uterus but also enhance strengthening of adrenal glands and kidneys. One or even more cups of this high mineral tea taken per day for several months functions perfectly in the preparation of a woman’s body for conception and sustaining the embryo after achieving conception.

4. Dong Quai Root, also known as; Angelica sinensis

The herb assists to increase blood circulation to the uterus. It is also iron rich to help in the proper formation of blood, toning and strengthening of uterus by regulating control of hormones and improving the timing of the menstrual cycle.

5. Maca

Maca is a hormone balancing herb that is popular throughout the world for its vitality and fertility promoting properties. It is suitable for boosting fertility in both women and men, but women should take it between menstrual cycle and ovulation only and discontinue immediately to ensure it isn’t taken during pregnancy. It’s a highly potent herb that has very significant effects on both gender fertility. It either comes in capsule or powdered form.

6. Red Clover

This is a perfect fertility herb basically due to enormous amounts of magnesium and calcium. Magnesium and calcium are critical in a women’s ability to conceive. The herb contains all trace elements required by the glandular system. Red clover is the most efficient herb used for hormone balancing required to facilitate conception.

Herbal Remedies For Infertility - Foods that Help You Get PregnantAs we wind up, it’s critical to know that these herbs should never be taken in combination with hormonal birth control, hormonal treatments, or fertility drugs! With any medications or herbs, consult a health care professional or a doctor first about your particular case and do your research!



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5 Types of Natural Childbirth Techniques

5 Types of Natural Childbirth Techniques

Natural Childbirth Techniques

Natural Childbirth Techniques

Several different natural childbirth techniques can be successfully used when trying to deliver without using medical interventions. The following article is aimed to discuss various childbirth methods which have been in use for many years. If you are expectant, take your time to study the following techniques to determine the one that might work best for you.

The Alexander Technique

The first of the natural childbirth techniques. While learning how to deal with his vocal problems, Alexander developed the Alexander technique for sitting, standing, and moving with ease, efficiency, and safety.

Any person including an expectant woman can learn how to release muscular tension to improve breathing capacity and restore the body’s proper posture and original poise.

As your body starts to experience the shortness of breath, digestive and balance problems and the lower back pain, easy modifications in your movement can assist to alleviate these symptoms.

When the delivery time arrives, you’ll be able to focus during the birth, calm yourself, breathe better, assist open the cervix during dilation and get prepared for effective pushing as the newborn comes.


HypnoBirthing is a relaxed natural childbirth technique and training approach enabled by self-hypnosis techniques. It is also known as the Mongan method.

Trainers emphasize pregnancy and delivery together with pre-birth parenting as well as the consciousness of the pre-born child.

Hypnosis brings a patient into a state of full relaxation. In this state, the muscles can now work according to the manner they’re designed. Women who have used this method often feel lost in a daydream, calm, relaxed, and in full control.

The childbirth education approach is offered in a series of five, 2.5-hour classes or four 3 hour classes.

The Bradley Method

Implemented by DR. Robert Bradley in 1940’s, this natural childbirth technique assists women to give birth naturally with only few or no medications.

Courses emphasize exercise and excellent nutrition, relaxation techniques to manage pain, and involvement of the partner or husband as coach.

You’ll also learn how to tune into yourself and the positions that will ease labor pains and adequately prepare you for labor stages.

In addition, you’ll learn how to avoid a cesarean section. And also how to discuss your child delivering plans with your health care provider.


Lamaze is one of the most broadly known natural childbirth techniques. This technique is widely recognized and popular for its breathing methods. The method approaches childbearing as a healthy and natural process.

It doesn’t discourage or support the use of routine medical interventions or medicines during labor and delivery. Instead, it educates expectant mothers about their choices so they can make informed decisions about their labor and delivery.

Lamaze focuses on talking about how to keep your childbirth safe and simple or building your confidence.

Water delivery

Delivering in a warm tub of water can assist a woman to relax. Water Buoyancy also assists in the alleviation of pressure and discomfort.

Some experts believe that water assists the child to enter the world with less sound, light, and dramatic change.

Giving birth in water is not suitable for women having high-risk pregnancies and in all cases, preparation should be made for childbirth to take place out of the water if complications arise.


Natural Childbirth TechniquesNeedless saying; using the above natural childbirth techniques enables you to have a pain-free, natural childbirth.

The most critical thing is to find the technique that suit you best including your husband, and also your desired birth experience.





Want to learn more about natural pregnancy? Read our article on 5 Tested Natural Remedies For Pregnancy Nausea

IVF Facts; Success Rate, Safety and Cost

IVF Facts; Success Rate, Safety and Cost

IVF Facts - What Is IVF?

IVF Facts; Success Rate, Safety and Cost

IVF Facts – IVF (in vitro fertilization) is practically a household word.  But not a long time ago, it was a mysterious method of infertility treatment. It brought to existence what were then referred to as “test-tube babies”.  Whether you are looking to know about its success rate, cost or safety, we’ve got you covered! You may still be wondering What is IVF?

Louise Brown, who was born in England in 1978, was the first child to be conceived outside her mother’s womb. IVF involves combining sperm and eggs outside the mother’s body in the lab. Once embryos or an embryo form, they are placed in the womb. IVF is an expensive and complex procedure; only around five percent of couples with fertility problems try it out. But the procedure has proved to be very effective.

IVF is never the first step in fertility problems treatment. This technique is reserved for specific cases in which other techniques have failed. Such as artificial insemination, surgery, and fertility drugs haven’t proved effective.


IVF Success Record

Since its commencement in the United States in around 1981, IVF has resulted in the delivery of babies exceeding a total of 200,000. More than four million babies have been delivered globally as a result of using IVF technique. IVF offers couples suffering from infertility problems a chance to bear a baby who is biologically related to them. At present, more than one percent of children born in the United States are as a result of conception via assisted reproductive technologies.


IVF Safety

Research results indicate that IVF is safe. A recent study covered almost a thousand babies born through this technique in 5 European countries discovered that kids monitored from birth to five years of age were as healthy as kids born naturally.

However, a few studies have recorded a slightly increased risk of genetic abnormalities in babies born via assisted reproductive technologies. Adverse effects during perinatal period and pregnancy are also higher in pregnancies achieved through IVF. Some or majority of these increased risk is because a greater percentage of IVF pregnancies involve multiple gestations.


What is the cost of IVF Procedure?

On average, the cost of a basic IVF cycle ranges from about $12,000-$15,000 in the United States. Although some insurance companies cover IVF, most companies do not. When looking at the cost of IVF, you’ll find that costs vary depending on the individual’s circumstance. Besides, you’ll notice that costs vary from one health care center to another. It is critical to determine exactly what is included when you’re provided with a quote for the charges of an IVF cycle.

The following are examples of some items that may not, or may, be included in the quote:
• Blood work
• Ultrasound and monitoring
• Initial tests
• Fertility medications

Ensure that you inquire about any other item that may be required but isn’t included in the quote. In some cases, additional ART treatments may be required. If so, ensure that you factor in those costs as well.

IVF Facts - What Is IVF?Here is the bottom line; if you have been trying other fertility problems treatment methods unsuccessfully, IVF may be the only way out. Given its high success rate and safety, the technique is worth trying.


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Herbal Remedies For Morning Sickness

Herbal Remedies For Morning Sickness

Herbal Remedies For Morning Sickness

Herbal Remedies For Morning Sickness

Are you looking for herbal remedies for morning sickness? Then, your search should stop here! We’ve compiled for you a list of the six most potent herbal remedies for curing morning sickness experienced during pregnancy. Just read on.


What Does The Term Morning Sickness Really Mean?

Morning sickness is the nauseous feeling frequently experienced during the pregnancy’s first trimester. It commonly starts in the morning but wears off as you progressively become active throughout the day. Here are some of the most efficient and thoroughly tested herbs that can assist in the alleviation of the awful feelings.

1. Mint

Mint contains anesthetic constituents that function to reduce morning sickness feelings by minimizing the stomach’s gag reflex. Prepare a glass of mint tea anytime you sense a wave of approaching nausea. Put one tablespoon full of mint leaves in a one-pint jar of boiling water. Allow it to stand for 20 to 30 minutes but as you shake occasionally. Strain and sip as required.

2. Lemon

Lemon’s natural calming effect is an effective way to minimize the effects of morning sickness. If you’re experiencing morning sickness, mix one tablespoon each of honey, ginger juice, and lemon juice. Take this potent mixture 2 to 3 times per day.

3. Fennel seed

Fennel is a morning sickness remedy from Chinese folk medicine. Just like mint, these seeds contain anesthetic constituents that may lower queasiness. Crush one tablespoon full of fennel into a coffee grinder. Put the crushed fennel seeds in a glass and fill it with boiling water. Then cover the glass and leave it at rest for 10 minutes. Take the tea in sips to cure morning sickness.

4. Raspberry leaf tea

This powerful ingredient is not only known to combat morning sickness but also relaxes the smooth muscles of the womb. Some studies, however, indicate that this herb may cause uterine contractions. It is, therefore, critical to check with your health care provider beforehand on whether to take it.

5. Curry leaves

Curry leaves’ juice extract, when combined with sugar and lime juice, can be successfully used as an Ayurvedic medicine to solve morning sickness. To prepare the morning sickness natural cure, squeeze 15 to 20 leaves of curry on a sieve to have the juice extracted. Add two tablespoons of freshly extracted lemon juice and one tablespoon of sugar and honey and mix it properly. Drink the mixture 2 to 3 times per day.

6. Bael Juice

The juice of wood apple (Bael fruit) can assist in the alleviation of morning sickness. Bael juice is not only known as a cure for morning sickness but is also known to prevent constipation as well as curing indigestion. To prepare the herb; squeeze one wood apple to extract its juice and add 2 to 4 teaspoons of it to pre-cooked rice. Drink the juice once per day for mild symptoms or up to 3 times a day for serious morning sickness.

Herbal Remedies For Morning SicknessTo sum up everything, every pregnant woman will undoubtedly experience the effects of morning sickness at one point or another. Keep in mind that any expectant woman should try to avoid taking conventional medicine as much as possible especially during the stages of early pregnancy. Herbal Remedies For Morning Sickness is definitively the safest way.

Therefore, stocking your pantry with the above herbs can assist you get through your discomfort especially if you are in your early stages of pregnancy.


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